Our beds are custom designed and built to fit you, your style (color, feel, and look) and comfort. We start with identifying your Goldilocks zone. The Goldilocks zone is one's perfect sitting height; on a chair or a bed. When the top of a mattress equals one's Goldilocks zone, it makes getting in and out of bed more accessible and naturally comfortable. To design and build a custom bed frame to one's Goldilocks zone doesn't just happen on its own, as firmness and the thickness of the mattresses and box frames vary, and must be considered to determine the Goldilocks height that the bed frame will be designed and built to. Yet, some will prefer that their Goldilocks zone be adjusted higher or lower. In that case, we will also make that adjustment in the design. All of this and more for your comfort!


The image above illustrates a number of bed designs. You can use these designs as a starting point for communicating your design preferences.

Not all bed rooms have the height that a tall four poster bed and some loft and bunk beds demand, and so our custom design process will find that balanced between the height and size of a bedroom and bed posts. The picture frame head boards present a great opportunity to feature art that defines you. Think of some art, an original or reproduction that you would like incorporated in your bedroom's visual theme. Use of art is optional as some may prefer just the natural beauty of the wood and unique grain possibly. We also offer custom head boards we call feature boards where the head board can be a profile of any animal, skyline, even a story board and more. Contact us with your head board design questions, we would love to make your art the center of attention in your world.